Mining Experience
Brazil 1973 - 2018
Specifications of rock mechanics instrumentation; geotechnical support for large rock excavations; shaft design for underground coal mine. Evaluations of various hard rock mining propositions.

USA 1985 - 2022
FL, LA, MS, OK - Project evaluations for limestone, specialty clay, and sand & gravel
PA - Coal mining underground longwall operations - Mine design, instrumentation, and underground stability analyses.
PA - Underground sandstone mining operations — geotechnical report for mine design.
WV - Various underground coal mines, room-and-pillar and longwall, geotechnical analyses, and mine design.
KY - Surface and underground coal mining, slope stability analyses, safety systems, mine design. KY - Underground limestone mine — entry and pillar design; instrumentation program.
TN - Underground coal mines — safety systems, pillar and roof support design.
GA - Underground marble operation — engineering analysis of mining accidents.
NM - Surface coal mining operations — slope stability and truck ramp analyses.
CO - Underground coal mine — longwall stability analyses.
VA - Underground coal mine — stability analyses for deep entries.
Russia 1999 - 2008
Analyses of surface and underground coal mining propositions in Siberia.
Switzerland 1988 Numerical modeling and geotechnical instrumentation for surface excavations.
Peru 2005 - 2016 Underground anthracite mining project — Management of exploration program, conceptual mine design; project feasibility.

Venezuela 1990 - 2018
Mina Norte - Surface coal mine - general management from greenfield state to exploration, development, and production (1.5 MT per year); Permit process, mine staffing, and environmental compliance.
Cachiri coal mining complex - Management of exploration programs for surface and underground mining propositions. Baseline studies for environmental permits; pre-feasibility studies.
Paso Diablo - Surface coal mine - evaluation for mine recovery and remediation; appraisals for different partners.
Soucy mining complex - Mine design studies for large surface operations; conceptual studies for underground mine.
Analyses of Various Coal Mining Prospects Across the Country
China 1998 - 2017
Daning underground coal mine - Geotechnical analyses and assistance in mine design for longwall operation. Monitoring of mining operations. Evaluations and appraisals of various coal mining projects in Shanxi and Inner Mongolia.
Australia 1998 - 2015
Geotechnical design for underground coal mining project; stability analyses for longwall mining operations.
India 1998 - 2007
Evaluation of large surface coal mining operations; compilation of coal mining projects for US investors; research on the production of metallurgical coke.
Colombia 1990 - 2020
Various surface and underground coal mining projects - Management and pre-feasibility studies.
Chile 1981 - 2020
Geotechnical support for large rock excavations. Appraisal of various hard rock mining projects.